My Why
When I grow up, I want to be fulfilled and intentionally live each day with a purpose. But what does being a “grown up” even consist of, honestly?
Four years ago I would’ve told you I thought it meant working a full-time job, probably having kids or a dog, and legally being able to drink alcohol. But fast forward to my present day answer and it’s a little different.
I view growth as a constant opportunity to learn and challenge our beliefs and comfort zones.
We are not created to live our lives as one version of ourselves.
I mean think about how boring that would be! I feel like I’ve always been told that I have an “old soul.” I used to take that as a challenge that I needed to rush the process of growing up like the end goal was some imaginary finish line.
Well, jokes on me because I had no clue what life had in store for me...
From becoming a mom at 20, when most of the people I surrounded myself with were caught up on the next night out, I had some major “growing up to do.” I’ve faced the cards I was dealt head on and couldn’t be more thankful for what I thought was the end of my world.
Silly me, it was only the beginning.
But let’s be clear, beginnings are full of growing pains and letting go of what once was to allow new to come in and replace it. I reflect on many nights full of self doubt, shame, and questioning how I was going to navigate this scary chapter of life. I quickly learned how important it was for me to make time and space to check in with myself.
Raising a human is no joke and when you come from a place of not having a clue who you even are, and things can get overwhelming. I can speak from experience when I say Yoga opened doors for my life. When you take the time to connect with your body, mind, and soul, shifts begin to happen.
But one thing I’ve always been sure of is that I thrive off of making connections with people, sensing energy and intentions, and sharing advice that comes from my heart. Life isn't always going to be enjoyable or positive, and it's easy to let hard things that you go through dim the light and vision you have for your life.
Making it through difficult experiences and changes can cause your view of the world to become distorted. When life happens and you're forced to figure it out, it's so easy to lose sight of who and what is important to you. The choices that you make become foreign and eventually you're full of fear and judgement towards everything.
Who am I?
How did I get here?
I'm not meant to be this "type" of person.
Trust me, I've been there.
Maybe you're there now and wondering how you're supposed to live a long and happy life when you dread so many things about your day-to-day routine.
Here's the thing, we’re all going to experience challenges every day that we’re meant to grow through. Hard and ugly things that might feel impossible, but the dark times are when we should be planting seeds to look forward to in the upcoming season, for each season of life, is temporary, and all darkness ends in light.
I like to think that it builds character to overcome something that was challenging--or at least that's what I'm going to tell myself so it doesn't suck as bad on the hard days.
The lessons that I've learned in the past few years were meant to cross my path so that I could be where I am today. Maybe when you think back, you can pinpoint something that brought you to where you are now.
Whether that be good or bad, being able to self-reflect is something to be thankful for.
By no means am I some enlightened Yogi that's trying to preach at you about how you need to work through your shit and process all your trauma to reach your true potential. I’m really just trying to create a space that I can be raw and myself that it comes as a second nature to share parts of my heart here.
I plan to do that by being authentic and transparent about the struggles and successes I’ve faced while navigating the path that life has laid out for me. No one is given a key with all of the answers and hacks to life, but if I can share my experiences and somehow provide support for another person to face their hard stuff, then my mission is complete.
However, we are all placed on this planet for a reason. I am meant to be a mother to my boys. I am meant to shine my soul on my students and provide them with light, love, and encouragement to get through their good and bad days.
So, when I grow up I hope that I'm aligned with my purpose and learning every hard lesson The Universe decides to put on my path because what is the alternative option??
Love + Light,
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